The Birth of Jesus
C. A. Coates
"She brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him up in
swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger, because there was
no room for them at the inn". Luke 2:7.
Those were not merely casual circumstances,
because they were announced from heaven as being
"the sign". The angel said, "And this is the sign to you:
ye shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,
and Iying in a manger". It is the sign.
We should notice the contrast between Matthew and Luke.
In Isaiah 7 the sign given by God is, "Behold the virgin shall conceive
and shall bring forth a son, and call his name Immanuel".
That scripture is quoted in Matthew 1.
That is the sign of God coming in to be with His people as
Emmanuel, "God with us". There are no swaddling clothes
mentioned in Matthew; all is great there; He is born King; His
star sheds its ray afar over the Gentile world; the magi come to
do homage and open their treasures to offer Him gifts, gold,
frankincense and myrrh.
He is seen in divine and regal glory.
But in Luke, the sign is connected with the lowliness of His
nativity; no star, no homage, no offerings, but "a babe wrapped
in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger". It was the
expression of weakness and complete dependence. He came in at
the lowest point, personally and circumstantially.
A babe is humanity in the form of great weakness and dependence;
no one is more absolutely dependent than a newborn babe;
everything has to be done for it. Jesus came in as a dependent
Infant, receiving all from God through the loving care of His
mother. It is perfection in an infant to be the subject of
maternal love and care, and in that place His trust was in God;
Psalm 22:9-10. The shepherds saw One in the place of manifest
dependence, and that was to be characteristic of Him all
through. It might be said that every infant is dependent on a
mother's care. But what gives infinite meaning and value to the
scene before us is that a Saviour, Christ the Lord, the Son of
the Highest, the Son of God, was found in a condition where His
mother had to wrap Him in swaddling clothes and lay Him in a
manger. That He should be there exalts the circumstances to the
highest point of moral glory. The swaddling clothes spoke
volumes to heaven; they spoke of the place of complete
dependence in which the Son of God was found as having come into
humanity. God's salvation has come to us in One who came into
humanity to be there as the entirely dependent One. He was cast
upon God, He trusted in God even from the womb, as the Psalm tells us.
The wonder and the glory of it is that such a Person should be
found in such a place, coming in at the lowest point of human
weakness to be the dependent One from the moment of His birth.
God found in Him One who could wholly trust Him, even as a Babe.
Psalm 22 puts it clearly, "I was cast upon thee from the womb",
and again, "Thou didst make me trust upon my mother's breasts".
He received all as One dependent upon God, however God's care
might be expressed, through His mother or through others;
however it might come, it was to Him the care of His God. From
the first moment of His entrance into this world He was the
perfectly dependent One, who was cared for by God, and God's
salvation has come to us in Him.
It was said to the shepherds, "Ye shall find a babe ...".
Heaven could speak of it with delight. There was nothing for
this world in a Babe who required to have everything done for
Him; but there was everything for heaven. The shepherds were
deeply interested; they said, "Let us see this thing that is
come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us". A babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes, and Iying in a manger: that was
the sign. God has wrapped up in that sign what is essential to
the whole truth of His grace. The shepherds came and saw, and
they spoke of it far and wide. People that heard it wondered,
and those who entered into it glorified and praised God.
But there is no room in man's world for One who is wholly cast
upon God. It is not dependent ones who get the best room in the
inn; it is independent people, men with material resources who
get the best rooms. An inn is a place where men are measured;
the best rooms are given to the rich, the common rooms to the
poor, but for Jesus there was no room in the inn. There is no
room in man's world for perfect dependence upon God. Men say,
'We have our societies, our unions, our clubs. Come and join us
and we will protect you and make things comfortable for you.
You will have a nice time in the inn'. But if a man says
quietly, 'I raise no question as to what you are doing, but for
my part I prefer to depend on God', many a confessor of Christ
in Christian England has found that it meant the loss of his
daily bread. There is no room for dependence on God in man's
world; every form of independence is there. God provided the
manger for Jesus; it speaks of a provision that lies outside
man's arrangements for himself or his fellows. The manger is
outside what man provides for man, but God always provides for
those who are content to accept whatever provision He may be
pleased to make. God always has had, and always will have, a
provision for those who trust in Him, and those who are in dependence
on Him will prove it. It may not be luxurious, but it will
always suffice for faith. Truly dependent ones accept what is
provided, and find the care of God very sweet even in outward reproach.
The manger implied an outside place a place of reproach; but
it was God's provision for that holy Child, not a dignified
place in this world, but honoured as being God's own provision
for One who wholly trusted in Him. There will always be that
which answers to the manger; it is for us to see that we are
content with it; it is a sign of wondrous portent. People say,
'Why do you not build a fine chapel, and have it on the main
street, and put yourselves into prominence?' We must remember
the sign of the manger which speaks of divine provision in the
place of reproach. Think what it was for Joseph and Mary to
come to David's city and to find no room in the inn! The
rightful heir to David's throne comes to David's city and there
is no room in the inn! If things had been right in Bethlehem
the best rooms in the inn would have been vacated for them. Yet
they accepted the manger, and it became the sign of where God's
salvation would be found. You will not find God's salvation in
the best rooms of the inn, but in the manger. The grace that
was coming in was not to be great and honoured in the world; it
was to have the lowest place in the estimation of men. But what
we want is the mind of heaven. Joseph and Mary were in the
secret. They knew the greatness and the glory of the Child who
was just about to be born when they went into that city, but
they accepted the manger as God's provision.
All the interest of heaven centred in that manger and in the
Child lying in it wrapped in swaddling clothes; outwardly there
was the expression of greatest weakness and dependence, but
everything that was great and glorious was there. How favoured
were the shepherds to get communications from heaven! They
learned where all true glory was found; they learned divine
favour in that which to men was of no account. The inn
represented man's provision for himself and his fellows, and
there was no room in it for Jesus, but there were shepherds
abiding without who were sympathetic with heaven.
The wise men in Matthew recognised under the instruction of
heaven that He was the King. They said, "Where is the King of
the Jews, that has been born? For we have seen his star in the
East, and have come to do him homage". They saw the royal glory
that attached to the Child, and they did Him homage; they gave
Him choice and costly gifts. But in Luke it is the grace of God
coming near to men, and what is brought out is the place of dependence
into which He came, the place of having no resource save what God
provided. Jesus came to be in the place of dependence
and to be of no account in the estimation of the world
to lie in a manger. The shepherds were sympathetic with
the thoughts of heaven, and all those thoughts centred in that
Babe in the manger. In Matthew His official glory is prominent,
but in Luke it is His moral glory. In Luke's gospel we see the
Lord many times in prayer. It is the setting forth of One who
was in absolute dependence, and the swaddling clothes were the
sign of it. He received all as the expression of the care of
His God. The shepherds were greatly affected by what they heard
and saw; they returned glorifying and praising God. Shepherds
represent those who care for what has value before God at some
personal cost to themselves. God took up shepherds like Moses
and David because in caring for their flocks they were in
keeping with His own thoughts. If there was no room for the
Lord in the inn, there was room for Him in the hearts of the
shepherds; heaven took them into confidence. As having been
taken into the confidence of heaven we see the most wonderful
glory in that which in the eyes of man was of no account
whatever. The shepherds said, "Let us see this thing that has
come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us", and they
came and saw, and became witnesses of it to others, and returned
glorifying and praising God. All who heard it wondered, but
Mary did more than wonder; she "kept all these things in her
mind, pondering them in her heart".
From An Outline of Luke's Gospel, pages 24-28.
The Birth of Jesus